Sunday, 22 July 2007

Lagenda seorang Memanda Wazir

Kamal Amir menulis

MINGGU ini saya ada satu cerita yang sungguh menarik untuk dikongsi bersama. Apakah ia cerita benar atau khalayan seorang penulis agak sukar diteka tetapi amat sesuai sekadar mengisi masa santai. Samada mahu mempercayai kebenarannya atau sebaliknya terpulang kepada anda. Ceritanya begini.....

Di sebuah negeri antah berantah terdapat seorang memanda wazir yang sangat dikasihi hamba rakyatnya oleh kerana baik budi dan elok bahasanya, parasnya juga menawan hati.

Tiba masanya bulan berganti purnama dan saat pada ketikanya maka diberitakan keseluruh pelusuk alam hasrat hati memanda wazir mahu mendirikan rumahtangga dengan wanita pilihan hati satelah berkesempatan mengadun cinta bagai laila dan majnun untuk sekian lamanya.

Hamba rakyat menerima berita dengan lapang dada dan suka hati, berakhir sudah zaman membujang seorang memanda wazir yang elok budi pekerti, asal usul keturunan dari negeri di bawah angin terkumpul para anbia bijak bestari.

Di sebalik kegembiraan berita terperi, hamba rakyat dijengah debaran siapakah gadis bertuah berjaya menambat hati memanda wazir. Dan sebaik pembawa berita mengumumkan calon isteri memanda wazir bukanlah puteri atau gadis pingitan dari desa mahupun kota, Cuma sekadar seorang “mak janda getik” maka hampalah hati hamba rakyat tidak terperi.

Namun demikian hukum alam begitu caranya, setiap yang hidup berpasang-pasangan, patah tumbuh hilangnya berganti, walaupun mak janda getik dijadikan calon, berita tersebut diterima dalam syukur, memanda wazir bukan sekadar bijak laksana namun tetap seorang lelaki gagah perkasa.

Musim berganti malam dan siang, dalam senda loka puji mentera, perkahwinan memanda wazir dilangsungkan penuh sempurna. Ada Qadhi melakukan aqad, teriring bersama para wali hakim dan saksi, melafaz ikrar terdirinya istana impian, berteduh kasih memadu asmara dan qalampun lemah untuk berbicara.

Selepas selesai ijab dan qabul, awan berarak membawa mendung, sinar bertukar menjadi kelam, laksamana dan hulubalang mengumpul seloka, ada cerita di sebalik rahsia, hamba rakyat dijengah curiga, isteri memanda benarkah seorang janda atau masih punya suami.

Entah di mana datangnya cerita, edah perceraian menjadi bualan, tersyarat dalam hukum negara, tiap isteri yang menerima talaq, terlarang mengganti suami edahnya tiga purnama. Jika hukum dinodai, ertinya pernikahan tidak mungkin boleh terjadi.

Seandai isteri menerima hukuman, digantung dalam keadaan tidak bertali, bagaikan layang-layang kematian angin, tersangkut cuma di pohon cemara, bagai telaga usang tiada bermaya, airnya ada gunanya tidak.

Hamba rakyat semakin keliru, memikirkan berita rahsia istana, tersebar keseluruh seantaro benua, memanda wazir menikah di dalam edah, menimbul resah serta gundah, apakah hukum negara sengaja dipermudah, bagai perahu dilambung gelora, jentayu bertukar menjadu garuda.

Belumpun reda cerita duka, terjelmalah kisah empunya cerita, dalam kesamaran digelap gulita, bukan puteri atau gadis pinggitan, janda muda dikatakan punya seorang lagi teman hidup, yang tidak diketahui asal usul keturunan, pegangan agama menimbulkan persoalan. Rupa-rupanya, semasa masih tergantung tanpa tali, telah bernikah sekali lagi.

Semoga kesamaran berita disebalik rahsia, tidak menjelma menjadi kebenaran, Gundah gulana hamba raayat, agar jangan terjadi satu isteri tiga suami, dikhuatiri membawa musibah dan malapetaka.Masakan boleh diterima aqal, al kisah sedemikian boleh terjelma.

Andainya masih punya suami, walau digantung tidak bertali, masih terikat adat negeri, badan terkurung berhati sepi, sukar menjalin hubungan berahi, kerana diri masih bergelar isteri, sekadar hidupnya kehilangan suami, walau dibantah atau ditangisi, resam dunia dan adat negeri, terlarang untuk bernikah lagi, selagi tidak diceraikan suami.

Kalau benarlah masih tergantung tidak bertali, mengambil keputusan bernikah sekali lagi, tanpa wali tanpa lafaz taklik suami dan juga saksi, pernikahan yang dijalin tidak berpaksi, hidup sebagai suami isteri. Akhirnya diri kembali sepi, satelah suami menghilangkan diri, apakah untung nasibnya diri, digantung suami tidak bertali, yang baru hadir akhirnya cabut lari.

Disudut hatinya ada cinta, terhimpun dalam sebuah lamunan, menjadi puteri berserta dayang istana,dalam senda loka menganyam kasih, menagih mutiara emas permata dari bilik khazanah negara. Bukan maksud menyimpul kasih, sekadar mencari tempat berlindung, dibawah lembayung pohon nan rendang.

Semakin kacau bilau jadinya cerita, bila terbongkar kucar kacir memanda wazir, mempunyai laksamana bercinta dengan isteri orang, teralpa sudah dosa dan pahala. Laksamana bergelar sidi raja, menjadi wakil rakyat jelata, bercanda dalam cinta terlarang, akhirnya hancur sebuah rumahtangga, perbuatan khianat isteri durjana, bermukah dikancah penuh maksiat, sedangkan diri adalah srikandi negara.

Di sebalik kesamaran ada sinar, kisah percintaan duda dan janda, berakhir dengan perang saudara, yang kalah menjadi abu, yang menang jadi arang, terlantar dipembaringan penuh kesakitan, luka dibadan nampak parutnya, luka di hati memendam dendam membara. Buah hati anak manja orang, terkurung dalam istana larangan, dilihat boleh dipegang jangan, begitulah adat susila keluarga ternama.

Jika berani bermain cinta, dengan puteri raja atau gadis desa, biarpun sekadar janda kesepian, setiap barang pasti ada harganya, tangan yang mencincang bahu jugalah yang memikulnya.

Pelbagai cerita timbul menjelma, Puteri raja di larikan dari taman larangan, ada isteri bermukah dengan Sidi raja, duda mengadun kasih mak janda, tiba-tiba terjelma kisah, cek mek molek dari seberang, tinggal duduk di negeri bawah angin, menjadi korban pembunuhan misteri, masih menjadi bicara hamba sahaya, apakah kematiannya kerana cinta tiga segi, atau mungkin ada cerita di sebalik rahsia, tamak dan haloba sebab musababnya.

Bagaikan sumpahan Megat Terawis, raja adil raja di sembah, raja zalim raja disanggah, hamba rakyat semakin keliru, benarkah memanda wazir bernikah mengikut hukum hakam negara, dengan wanita yang tidak punya suami lain, atau terlangsung sudah edah tiga purnama.....

Begitulah kisah begitulah cerita, sebuah negeri antah berantah, memanda wazir gundah gulana, namun terhibur bersama dayang istana, gagal mentafsir cinta sejati, enggan menyulam peribadi diri, halal haram tidak dipeduli, akhirnya hamba rakyat membawa hati.

Hilanglah sudah rasa hormat, enggan mengadun sopan dan santun, memanda wazir dijadikan senda loka, tanpa ada segan dan silu. Amat malang negeri antah berantah, memanda wazir punya angkara, habis terpalit seluruh istana, dengan pelbagai kisah sidang wazirnya, tiada lagi mengambil peduli, untung nasib hamba rakyat serata, hidup melata dalam merana.

Tiba ketika datang harinya, doa rakyat menghimpun peri, bersimpuh menadah kehadrat ilahi, agar petunjuk dan balasan yang hakiki, mengharap sinar menjelang dinihari.


Anonymous said...

Malaysia under Umno was, is and will forever be a basket case. What we see now as development and progress are merely internal consumption.

Unless the government commits to real change and wiping out of the current rot in Umno, Malaysia is slowly but surely spiraling downwards towards being a pariah country.

Anonymous said...

It is true NEP has its good and its bad points depending on whose view you are looking at it.

The non-malays have been straddled with this law for a long time and I can see lots of dissatisfaction emerging from their rank. This can be seen by the ever-increasing number of emigration taking place as well as non-returning students from abroad.

I cannot start to call them traitors, as some of the malays here seem to imply on them. Put yourself in their shoe first and feel the full effect of the discrimination for over 30 years……….Do you think you will be happy? Anybody?

Want to know why the non-malays are all running away from Malaysia for greener pasture as malays call traitors and rats? Know that even rats must be wise to jump ship when the ship is sinking.

The government has been pushing the unity theme for Malaysia for a long time - the so called Bangsa Malaysia. How do you unite people? How are you going to unite people of different races where one race enjoys more rights than other races? Unity can never happen if there is inequality.

So, if you don't want people to comment on your special rights, then don't talk about unity in front of the non-malays.

The next reason why the non-malays keep on condemning the special rights is because of the implementation of it. Does every malay has the chance to enjoy their special rights? From what non-malays have been seeing since the past till now, only the rich and powerful are enjoying it. The poor malays are still poor. How many poor malays were transformed from poverty to middle class?

Sure, what you talk about your experience might be true if you put it in a nutshell. You cite examples of success stories and cases which is what it should be. But don't use special rights to deny a fellow deserving Malaysian of that chance too.

If you don't trust your fellow countrymen, whom in the world are you going to put your faith into?

The reasons have been given, countless in fact. And I believe you can also see it for yourself what kind of state Malaysia is in now. No unity, no improvement in the competitiveness in Malaysia.

I believe no community will get stronger if it depends on protection all the time. In face of globalization, each one must pull its own weight but work as a team. Otherwise we go down together.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Racism in Malaysia is apparent to anyone who has eyes! Malays are just a bunch of cripples who will collapse to the ground if their tongkat is taken away.

Remove their constitutional rights, their 7% discount on houses, their 30% equity in companies, their quota system in public universities etc……….what is left?

Only a bunch of malays begging in gutters or worse, they may have to eat pork to survive!

Anonymous said...

Malaysians are generally rational, moderate, flexible and capable. During my visits to various international cities, I have met a number of Malaysians who are working, residing or doing business there.

They are resilient, adaptable and as competitive as people from the developed countries. Many of us who are residing locally hold similar traits and qualities.

However, moderate and sensible Malaysians give up too easily when faced with challenges on their own home soil. We allow a small platoon of radicals to dominate and patronise us, and dictate to us their values promoted through shortsighted racial and religious political rhetoric and sentiment.

Socially, we continue to tolerate attempts to divide us fundamentally through the rewriting of our nation's founding history by promoting the supremacy of one race against the rest. Our children are told that they should appreciate their legal existence in this country because they are bound indefinitely by a social contract collectively adopted by their forefathers.

Why talk about national unity when the intention is to divide the society forever? True unity cannot be achieved through subordination. All human beings are born equal in a democratic and civilised society. No one needs to remind us to love the nation.

Politically, we continue to tolerate extreme ethno-religious practices even though we realise that such a political model is at the lowest denomination. The aspiration of creating a civilised, peaceful and successful multi-ethnic society is an unrealistic dream in a society where racism and religious fanaticism can be used as political capital.

Again, the majority of moderate and sensible Malaysians continue to throw our support grudgingly to these politicians although many of us do it for the lack of a viable alternative. This can no longer be used as a legitimate reason to keep the present political model.

Proponents of and human rights, multiculturalism and non-racialism must demand for a totally new political landscape. To progress, we ought to adopt a progressive and proactive mindset. We must learn to appreciate the wealth of our diversity and celebrate our freedom to practice our cultures and beliefs. We must restructure the current social order.

Politicians and policymakers are not political masters but public servants entrusted by the society to represent our collective interests. They must listen to the voices of the people.

The implication of our lack of courage to stand up against these radicals is severe and destructive. Moderate Malaysians, who represent majority of the society, must reclaim their rights and rightful place in the society.

Only through a collective rejection of the radicals can we influence fairer policy formulation and implementation in the country.

Otherwise, policies that are motivated by racial and religious fervour will continue to haunt us and retard our progress. Forever, we may never know how far a truly united Malaysian society can progress on the world stage.

Anonymous said...

I suggest the malay learn how to speak proper English. The grammar mistakes and spelling errors speak volumes on your competence and credibility.

I prefer to look at facts rather than opinions.

Filipinos, Indonesians and Malays are mostly from the same race, with less or more a minority in other races. All of these countries are doing badly. All of these countries have poor records when it comes to corruption, discrimination, incompetence, etc etc.

The conclusion?
I personally believe that out of 10 malays there is at the very most 1, that can be even considered remotely intelligent. When you put that 1 malay with the other 9 malays, that 1 malay automatically becomes stupid.

This is an opinion based on universally known 'facts'.

Anonymous said...

Ah……….the history lessons begin again.

As much as the malays do not like the "Orang Putih". These "Orang Putih" built infrastructures and schools for Malaysia. Yes, they did have an economic agenda, but on the whole, it is believed that they did more good than harm.

Now, please read "Melayu Journal" published by Dewan Bahasa Pustaka 2005. It clearly states that the "contract" which you speak so lovingly of, was issued only for a duration of 15 years.

It was tagged under the NEP. Since the NEP failed miserably, it was "extended" under a new name called the NVP. When that failed too, it has once again been "extended" under the new name of the NDP. In a nutshell, it has failed for 50 years.

Don't the malays smell something amiss here? Put in perspective, our Malaysia government has publicly announced to the world, that despite targeted government aid for half a century, the malays are so hopeless, stupid and useless that they still cannot fend for themselves.

Think hard not with emotion, but look at the fact. This fact is very very embarrassing for Malaysia. As it says that the malays are not able to succeed despite being given aid for half a century.

Back to more serious business. The NEP, NVP and NDP or by whatever name you call it tomorrow. So for 50 years, it has "dished out" money to the malays. Realistically, how many of you received that money?

Except for the elite few who sit on the "high and mighty" seats of the government. And that is why, to continue to receive that "special bumi aid" money, they have to insist that there is racial tension in the country. In fact, they promote it by virtue of fact that "race-based organizations" still exist till today.

The Orang Asli also fall into the bumi category. They arrived here 60000 years ago (mind you, the first Indonesian arrival was only 3000 years ago).

Jabatan Orang Asli has been "actively" helping them for the past 50 years. They still live in the jungle. Where I may ask, has that allocated money gone to? Many proponents have insisted that Jabatan Orang Asli has been "helping themselves" instead.

Go to any Orang Asli settlement and see it for yourself.

Your money. Take it back. Or forever live like paupers.

Anonymous said...

Never in the entire history of Malaysia that its citizens feel so hopeless for having such a hypocrite sleepy prime minister! Time to vote Umno out in the coming election!

Anonymous said...

This country was all along a land for Orang Asli. The Chinese originated from China, Indians originated from India, Malays originated from Indonesia etc. China gets to give priority to the Chinese, India get to give priority to Indians and the malays are just freeloading from the Orang Asli land by claming it is bumi land.

This is because they are doing what Allah said……….Allah told malays to come from Indonesia and steal the land from Orang Asli and use Orang Asli as slaves. So when is Malaysia giving priorities to Orang Asli? The only time Malaysia is not a racist country is when an Orang Asli becomes the prime minister of Malaysia - which is never - it is a genocide in the name of Allah!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mahathir, 22 years you left us nothing but:

- A generation of poor non-malays who is gangsters or selling DVDs
- AP issues
- A useless currency in the ringgit
- IC Project in Sabah
- Keris waving political party members
- MAS in deficit
- Proton in financial trouble
- Racial divide
- Tongkat generation
- World's most expensive tolls anywhere in the city

And now, after being out of politics, you suddenly talk a lot of malays this and that when you had 22 years in power and you did absolutely, jack shit.

Please old man, you want to make a change, it is too late now. All you can do is look at that man in the mirror and cry before you meet your almighty maker.

Anonymous said...

Remember Raja Petra said: More than 90% of malays were actually non-Muslims, because they don't follow the teaching of Islam.

Can a true Muslim prohibit another Muslim to build a mosque? Any part of koran said to build a mosque for the Chinese Muslims is haram? Another Malaysia Boleh one story yah?

I firmly believe, when I die and go to hell, I will meet many "Malaysian Muslims" there, all the munafik who used Islam not for them to be closer to God, but for their idiotic, selfish and vicious self-interest.

More classic examples of half-past-six mentalities displayed by the present so-called leaders, ministers, and worst of all politicians (monkey-brain), bad for the nation but good for those who knows how to take advantage of their stupidity.

Religion alone can never help us to become more clever and smart, especially with the present attitude and style of the malays, who are going backwards more and more, and heading for the caves and jungles in time to come.

In Malaysia the constitution is not the supreme document in law. It has been so trampled by the Umno gangsters; it has come to a point where these gangsters are a law unto themselves. To them the constitution is respected when it suits their intents and toilet paper when it does not.

Mob rule is tolerated by the police when it is an Umno orchestrated mob. Non-Umno gatherings are an inconvenience and clobbered to pulp.

Malaysia is dead as a nation. They are dying to call this land Tanah Melayu so we might as well let them destroyed it. It is no loss to the non-malays since they are treated as pendatang anyway.

Let these gangsters plunder and rob their own kind. They are notorious for inbreeding in any case. They would probably enjoy devouring their own kind too. Crooks and hypocrites at the helm will never grow a nation. Only chaos and disaster beckon.

I wish it were different, but I have long since decided they deserve what they get. No point in banging my head against the wall.

Anonymous said...

The Umno is either obfuscating or confused. Why would we want to remove the political boundaries that delineate the countries of Southeast Asia? The different countries of this region are a political reality. To imagine that these nations do not exist is mere wishful fantasy.

When we say malays, we refer to the ethnic groups who live in the malay Peninsular, east Sumatra, Brunei and some parts of East Malaysia. These ethnic groups speak the various dialects of the malay language. Our constitution even defines what is a malay. It attaches a religious condition.

How the present-day malays came to the malay Peninsular is no mystery. There were ancient kingdoms such as Langkasuka. However, it was the Malacca sultanate that firmly established the malay institution and culture in Peninsular Malaysia. This was in the 1400s. Subsequently, there was periodic and gradual migration from Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java.

As an extension of this warped reasoning, most Indonesians and Filipinos can migrate to Malaysia. When they do, and if they are Muslims, then they are malays. Therefore they will enjoy the privileges accorded to the bumis in Malaysia. It does not matter if they just migrated yesterday.

The most unbelievable thing about this episode is that there are actually people like somebody who feels the need to defend this bigotry. That as the man says, 'how low can you go?'

Anonymous said...

Semi Value, Najis, Hisppukidin, Bodowi……….all these idiots of the corrupt Umno government - one thing is certain - majority, a very high majority of the public does not believe anything the stupid, lying and corrupt Umno government says anymore.

This Umno government has zero credibility with the people of Malaysia and one of the reasons is the public is more knowledgeable and intelligent than all those idiots in government especially those dumb shit heads in Umno.

BaitiBadarudin said...

Malaysia kembali ke era pra-kolonial? Hmm ...

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